Tuesday, January 12, 2010

dear ew.com, could i please write for you someday?

ok, i will move on soon, but a few things stuck out from last night's the bachelor: on the wings of love...

1) the music... first, to hear the actual song "on the wings of love" play as jake and his date (who up until that moment swears she's terrified of planes and won't even go on family vacations when they involve flying... but all of a sudden in the face of going on a date with mr. i'm-cute-but-polite-with-no-personality she somehow gathers the courage to go.

2) elizabeth seemed like a classy girl and then wrote him a note that she read to him where she said she didn't want him to kiss her until she was the last one... truly classy, because that show can be a little lot sketch. then, he gives her the rose of the date and they go and sit and wait for fireworks and she becomes little miss tease. yikes. way to stay classy.

3) "i 100% accept this rose" - i heard it a few times during the episode... it doesn't make sense.  one can accept the rose or not. just once, i'd like to hear one of them say, "i 33.3% accept this rose."

4) michelle is crazy. done.

5) the scandal made me laugh a little. poor chris harrison with his lawyer-language. i wasn't crazy about "little rose" anyway - and i kept getting nervous that she'd fall over from all that weight in the front.

ok, done... just needed to get those things off my chest. haha. chest. they're mostly busty girls.


Jen said...

i'm glad to know that i'm not the only one that thinks jake the bachelor has the personality of a leaf! he's so blah! cute, but blah!

Mary Broussard said...

hahahaha. Agreed on all points, except that I actually do like Jake. Sorry guys.

robyn said...

hi friends. it makes me happy to know i'm not the only one thinking these crazy thoughts. miss you both!